We were appointed, in conjunction with Promafco, by Limpopo Department of Health and Social Development to develop accommodation for their health professional staff and manage the facility thereafter. The value of this contract was R298million. The development consists of 112 upmarket residential units divided into three separate blocks with two lifts on each block, a clubhouse with a lift, a pool, a tennis court, an internal road and a guardhouse in a stand-alone complex. The residential units are divided as follows,
40 one-bedroom units | 50 two-bedroom units | 62 three-bedroom units
The blocks are designed to be open to the weather and the units are to be cool in summer and warm in winter with less use of electrical power. The project commenced in June 2011 and will be completed on 28 January 2013. The total cost estimate for the project is R 132 646 254, 50. Promafco appointed a suitably qualified consulting team for the project to ensure that the latest technology and building standards were employed. The team was made up of the following consultants,
- Project managers – to manage the project
- Architects – architectural and wet services designs
- Quantity surveyors – costings and budget management
- Electrical, fire, civil and structural engineers – design for the relevant trades using the latest technology & methods.
- Safety – recommend and monitor the implementation of safety.
Vharanani Properties developed Portion 26 of Koppiefontein situated in Bendor Park, Polokwane into the Security Estate Faranani Estate. Vharanani Properties constructed the roads and installed services for 59 stands and also developed the Townhouse Complex, Faranani Place, consisting of 16 units (2 and 3 bedrooms).